Kong DK, Kong AM, Chai RL. Comparison of a Handheld Device vs Endotracheal Tube-Based Neuromonitoring for Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Stimulation. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2022 Feb;166(2):260-266.
Confirm whether or not a tissue structure is a motor nerve
Confirm motor nerve response by tetanic contraction
Identify individual motor nerve branches through soft tissue and tumor
Map location of motor nerves through tissue to facilitate dissection
Localize motor nerve tissue obscured by scarring and tumor
Safely stimulate nerves repeatedly and continuously without diminished motor response
Safely and reliably stimulate nerves
Easily palpate muscle response
Repeatedly stimulate nerve without diminished response
Kong DK, Kong AM, Chai RL. Comparison of a Handheld Device vs Endotracheal Tube-Based Neuromonitoring for Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Stimulation. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2021 May 25:1945998211013753.
Safety and Reliability of a Handheld Stimulator for Neural Monitoring During Thyroid Surgery. The Laryngoscope, Bradley R. Lawson MD, Dipti Kamani MD, Mohamed Shama MD, Natalia Kyriazidis MD, Gregory W. Randolph MD, FACS, FACE First published: 25 April 2019
The CHECKPOINT® HEAD & NECK Nerve Stimulator/Locator is a single-use, sterile device intended to provide electrical stimulation of exposed motor nerves or muscle tissue to locate and identify nerves and to test nerve and muscle excitability. Do not use this Stimulator when paralyzing anesthetic agents are in effect, as an absent or inconsistent response to stimulation may result in inaccurate assessment of nerve and muscle function. For a complete list of warnings and precautions regarding the use of the Stimulator, please consult the Instructions for Use.